Games & Resources

CURTS’ main goal is to facilitate the tabletop gaming community in Cambridge. To that end, we aim to provide the means for people to organise games and space where those games can take place.

One-Shot Games

Our bi-weekly gaming sessions provide a convenient space to play one-shot RPGs. GMs of all skill levels are welcome to host games from any system of their choice, from classics such as D&D to brand new ones such as LANCER. This is a great space for players to discover new systems and potential GMs, and for GMs to flex their creative muscles and find potential players.

One-shots of any kind can also be organised using our Discord, Facebook page or using the scheduling facilities on this website. If you wish to use our online scheduling facilities and do not yet have an account, please get in touch with a member of the CURTS Committee so they can get you set up.

Ongoing Games

While not focused on ongoing games, our bi-weekly gaming sessions provide a suitable environment to host your campaign and recruit new players. Our Discord, Facebook page or the scheduling facilities can also be used to organise ongoing campaigns.

CURTS Library

The CURTS Library contains rulebooks and supplements for a range of RPG systems and is freely accessible to all members of CURTS. A full list of available books can be found here.