NEWSLETTER the Seventh 1990/91 - Let there be text
In the beginning was the header, and the header was without form and void. And the Secretary and Assistant Secretary looked upon the header and said “Let there be text”.
And there was text. And the Secretary and Assistant Secretary looked upon the text and saw that it wasn’t really all that good but at least it filled the space.
Weekly Meetings
Because of exams, lack of available space, etc. there will be no officially organised weekly meetings this term with one exception. On Tuesday 7th May we are going to hold another session of one- off games.
The venue will be the Upper Hall at Emmanuel, the time 19:00, as per usual.
Anyone interested in running or playing should let the committee know by the pub meeting on the 30 th April (see below). In fact it would be nice if people could turn up at the pub meeting to sign up for the scenario of their choice(just as we did last time) so that the GMs know how many players to cater for.
What we have for you so far:-
Twilight 2000 - Dougal.
Champions - The Train.
Nightlife - The CCSWNS
GURPS (Conan) - The Blue Cat.
But what about the on-going campaigns, you cry? Well, this is something that GMs and players are going to have to arrange for themselves. In the inter- ests of facilitating this, we suggest that you all turn up at the first
Pub Meeting
where dates, times and venues can be arranged to your mutual satisfaction.
Yes, due to the lack of regular weekly meetings, we have decided to have (semi—)regular pub meetings instead. All arranged in advance too! The next instalments of The Continuing Five Year Mission to Boldly Drink what no Man has Drunk Before will be held at 19:30 in Catz Bar on the following dates:-
Tuesday 30th April,
Tuesday 14th May and
Tuesday 21st May.
Think you can handle that?
Zebedee has had half a dozen requests for another trip sometime this term, after the exams.
We already have an established midlevel party but if there is enough additional interest, we are more than willing to organise a second low-level adventure at the same time.
The suggested date for this is Saturday 8th or Sunday 9th June. This may be changed if inconvenient for the majority of those interested.
The deadline for signing up is the Pub Meeting on the 14th May. Contact Zebedee at 46 Lensfield Road or by email toCC112.
Dinner Photos
The proofs of the photographs from the Annual Dinner are now available for perusal in Dougal’s room in Catz. Copies are available in 12 x 8 size with the following options:-
Unmounted £4.75
Mounted and Crested £8.75
Mounted, Crested and Named £11.90
Frames cost extra and are available in:-
Black £8.15
Natural (i.e. wooden) £7.30
The deadline for your orders will be (you guessed it) the Pub Meeting on the 14th May.
Punt Party?
Some members have suggested that we should hold a Fancy Dress Garden Party some time this term. This seems a nice idea, but the consensus within the committee is that the society does not re- ally have the time or resources to organ- ise both a garden party and the Punt Party this term.
What we’d really like to know is:-
What do you want?
So let us know by or at the Pub Meeting on the 30th April. We need to know this early because if we’re having a Punt Party, we need to start looking for punts as soon as possible. This is because we can no longer book punts in a’dvance from Scudamore’s, and so punts will have to be booked from those colleges who possess their own.
This will have to be done early, and we will need volunteers to track down, seize and defend said college punts (or indeed any punts that can be bookedin advance).
Either way, we intend to hold the chosen event on either the 16th or the 23rd June.
Now, if we’re holding a Punt Party, then the exact date will depend upon who can book punts and on which day they can get them.
Of course, if it turns out that we can’t get any punts at all, then we’ll be holding the Garden Party anyway.
Does any of this make sense? All should become clearer come the next pub meeting newsletter.
We’re planning to hold this year’s Annual General Meeting after the ex- ams (so don’t go away, will you?). The date is provisionally set for the afternoon of the Friday 14th June. With a bit of luck we will be holding it in either the Ramsden room or the Rushmoore room at Catz.
More news to follow.
Varsity Match Scandal
Transport money is still outstanding from the following:-
Harvey Maycock (a.k.a.the Luridpink Death)
Vo Voong
The Train.
Settle your accounts with The Blue Cat soon guys.
Rag Dungeon
Many thanks to those who took part, especially the long suffering/insufferable (delete where not applicable) GMs. Now we want the money. Send it as soon as possible to The Train (who will then give it to the junior treasurer, won’t he?).
Martin Fay has been elected to the Sam Peckinpah Chair of Applied GMing for managing to kill off all but one of his party. (Fair’s fair though, he did wait ’till the end).
The Committee are
President: | Quinton Carroll, 28 Gostlin, St. Catherine’s | Dougal |
Vice-President: | Pete “don’t break anything Moore”, 5 Gresham Road (Gonville & Caius) | The Train |
Jr-Treas: | Junior Treasurer: Ginni Rose, 14 Metcalf Road | The Blue Cat |
Secretary: | Dave Prince, 7 St. Peter’s Terrace (Peterhouse) | Florence |
Assistant Secretary: | Iain Walker, 140 Chesterton Road (Emmanuel) | TheCCSWNS |
External Officer: | External Officer. Chris Carr, 46 Lensfield Road (Downing) | Zebedee |
The Tuesday Warhammer run by Dougal will be continuing this term. He’ll be in touch.
The Tuesday GURPS run by The Blue Cat will also be continuing, starting on Monday 29th in Florence’s room (7 St. Peter’s Terrace) at 19:0