NEWSLETTER the Second 1991/92 - Committee Minutes
Cambridge University
Dungeons And Dragons Society
NEWSLETTER the Second 1991/92
“… and that’s how much membership money we’ve collected this year,“said the Treasurer. He looked up to [ind himself surrounded.
“OK,” said the President, his vowel sounds getting shoner by the minute, “I move that I be provided with a Society-paid drinks account.”
“Fire!” shouted the Treasurer, fooling no-one. “Er… well actually that sounds quite reasonable…”
“And the Society should buy me a new amp,” said the Vice-President, “because the one I’ve got is just TOO f—ING QUIET… oops••.”
“Yes, yes,” said the Treasurer, “I’m sure we can run to that.”
“I need a new pair of boots,” said a voice from a darkened corner.
“Sounds like money well spent,” said the Treasurer nervously, as the rest of the Committee looked at each other and made the sign o[ the Evil Eye.
“Now there’s a happy thing,” said the Assistant Secretary, who was always saying things like that for no apparent reason.
“I just want a holiday,” said the External Officer. This immediatdy engaged the enthusiasm of the rest o[ the Committee, and soon suggestions were nying thick. and fast - “Switzerland … Barbados… the Plateau of Leng…”
“So that’s settled,” said the President.
The Secretary muttered something irrdevant about leather.
“Ycs, right, so I’ll write the cheques now then, shall I?” said the Treasurer. “Now will you pfCaSt: let go of my balls?”
People who have yet to join
We regret that we cannot send you Newsletters indefinitely unless you actually decide to join. Please either contact a member of the Committee, or come along to any Society evenl The weekly meetings are held at 7:00pm on Tuesdays in the Upper Hall at Emmanuel (with one exception - see below). Membership costs £5 for life, £3 for 1 year. This notice also applies to people who joined for 1 year last year - if you want to stay in touch with the Society, it costs £2 to upgrade to Life.
Members in the Real World
Those of you who have left University and receive your Newsletters through the post. please note that this costs us quite a lot in terms of stamps and envelopes. If you want us to continue to stay in touch, a contribution towards these costs would be greatly appreciated. £2 a year sound reasonable? We thought so… Please get in touch (preferably with the money) by Christmas. so that we know
whether we should continue to send you stuff. Current members who are leaving at the end of this year, please bear this in mind.
Weekly Meetings
The weekly meeting scheduled for Tuesday 29th October has been moved to Wednesday 30th, but will still be held at 7:00pm in Emmanuel’s Upper Hall. After that, it’s back to Tuesdays again.
One Off Meetings
Sometime this term we want to devote one of the Tuesday meetings to a number of one-off scenarios, so that people can try out new or unfamiliar game systems/GMs/players. But to do this, we need GMs to run things. If anyone is interested in running something just for one evening, please get in touch with one of the Committee, letting him/her know the system you want to run, and the number of players you can cope with. We will then post the details (date etc.) in the next Newsletter.
Pub Meeting
Our next communal ritual of libation will be held on “lbursday 24th October, in Catz bar, from 7:30pm onwards. is a good place to find Committee meJibers and bribe them with alcohol.
Labyrinth - Live Role-Playing
If you fancy the idea of hitting people with rubber swords, or shouting arcane Words of Power at eccentrically-attired monsters, then get in touch with Harvey Maycock (our External Officer). Harvey will arrange a date for this expedition to suit those interested, some time later this term, so the sooner you get in touch the better (by or at the Pub Meeting, for preference). If anyone has any suggestions for a live role-playing venue other than Labyrinth, Harvey is also the person to see. IDibto t!t>ming We want to organise a video evening as soon as possible, so please get in touch with us with suggestions and requests. So far, suggestions have included Alien Nation, Robin Hood (either version), The Naked .G:wi, The Lair of the White Worm. and… well, is there anyone out there who /Jaso’/ seen The Princess Bride? Let us know what you’re interested in, and we’ll have it organised and announced in the next Newsletter.
Campaign Information
If you are running a campaign this year (or are interested in running one), please get in touch with Rebecca Teed (Emmanuel College, or RT108 on Phoenix), and let her know your name and college (or wherever you can bcl contacted), the system you want to run, and the number of spaces you have availabl (or whether it’s already full up). If you would also include a brief paragraph about your campaign. it will be included in an upcoming Newsletter.
If on the other hand you arc having difficulty finding a campaign in which to play, don’t give up - keep corning to Society meetings, and watch out for information in future Newsletters.
We have had a few enquiries from people interested in selling role-playing materials. If anyone oul there has any games, modules, magazines etc. that they would like to sell, please get in touch with Iain Walker or Rebecca Teed, and we can stick an advert in the next Newsletter for you.
Similarly, if you are trying to hold of any out-of-date or otherwise unobtainable games etc., we can run a “Wanted” advert for you as well.
- Wanted -
Players for French-Speaking Campaign
Thierry Chaucheyras, who lectures in French at Jesus College, is looking for players for a campaign to be run in French. He is interesting in running GURPS (Fantasy), Marvel Super Heroes, Call of Cthulhu, or AD&D. If you are interested, please get in touch with him at Jesus.
The Committee are
President: | Pete Moore | (The Train) | Rm. 12, 27 Green St. (Gonville & Caius) |
Vice-President: | Chris Carr | (Zebedee) | N4, Downing, <CC112> |
Jr-Treas: | Iain Walker | (The Cutout Cardboard Shrub With No Soul) | 42 Warkworth St. (Emmanuel) |
Secretary: | Rebecca Teed | (Rosemary) | 42 Warkworth St. (Emmanuel), <RT108> |
Assistant Secretary: | Matt Nesbit | (Dylan) | A9, Kings |
External Officer: | Harvey Maycock | (Brian) | A21, Fitzwilliam, <HRM10> |