Newsletter the Third 1992/93

Ye Tragicall Comedie Of Advanced CyberCthulhu & Gurpshammer 2000

- Act I, Scene III -

GM: My NPC unto bis wormy grave hath gone, In dcatb my plot undone must seem lo lie. But ’tis not so! Prick back thy ears withal: Whal sprites do gibber in tbe airy void? (Enter the Party from a great height) 1st Player: A noisome curse upon that evil day, When rules on falling ere were wrote! GM: Gotcha! Thus do I spring my naked l’lot-Device,

Witb pennants black and sinister and hold. 1st Player: J\ doughty oak I climb: what sign of life Doth skulk without within yon lurking keep? GM: In silence strange tbe darksome tower doth lie. What doest thou? 3rd Player: Methinks ’tis little sport That may be had in such a place. Thus so, We now do seek sucb climes as we may kill Some ores.

To bring these knaves unto this fateful place. Toe gorcy corpse did wear, and they did rob A Colostomy Bag of Mystic Flight. 4th Player: I own that r did err, betides. That flask No Potion ofHumungous Strength did hold. GM: Aclillles in his tent griped not like tbee, But now unto my words thyselves bethrall. ’Pon yonder hill a casrle marks its crag,




Er … I spoke not of this before, But costly treasures now do twinkle bright Within this rich and wealthsome citadel. Then wherefore do we tarry here? (Exeunt) Strike one!

Wedd!i MeetittSS

We will be in the Upper HaJI (at Emmanuel) on Tuesday 24th November, but on Tuesday 1st December, we will be in the Party Room at Downing instead. Next term we hope to be in the Upper HaU at Emmanuel again, and the first Weekly Meeting of 1993 will be on Tuesday 12th January. Watch out for the wmal notice posted inside the front gate in case we have any more problems with the room.

Otte-Off Sessiotts

At the Weekly Meeting on Tuesday 26th January, we will he organising a number of one­ off sessions so that people can try out new or unfamiliar game systcms/GM’i/players. Prospcclive (,Ms! If you’d like to run something just for one evening, please get in touch with one of the Committee, and let them know the system you want to run, and the number of players you can cope with. ·l’he

deadline is the Meeting on Tuesday 19th January, when you can get players to sign up. Prospective Players! Come along on the 19th, and sign up for one of scenarios available.

Christmas Party

Will be held 011 Saturday 5th December at 7pm, in the }>arty Room, Downing. Lots of mulled wine (bring your kettles for descaling) and mince pies, and lots of bizarre games. If you’d like lo run something at the Party. please sec a Committee member NOW. Tickets will be £3, and will be available from Chris Watts.

Campai5tt Directonj

The following <,Ms have not yet returned their Campaign l)ircctory forms:- Nick Clayton Aidan O’Lynn Andrew Davies (,inni Rose Keith <,range John Sloan /\dam Moseley

Get those forms to Chris Watts ASAP. And to all GMs - let Chris know of any chaoges so that he can keep your entry up-to-date. Players still in search of campaign - the Campaign Directory Wlll be constantly up-dated, so keep checking it. Tbe following campaigns currently have spa<–cs availahle:- Warbamrocr Traveller Call of Cthulhu J\rs Magica Champions D&D (we think)

P1-4b Mectmgs

No more this term, but we’ll be getting next term off to a flying start at 7:30pm in Catz bar on Wednesday 13th January

L## ;ve R31e-1’1aljm5 Labyrinthe is on Sunday 6th December, and David Wright will want your money by Monday 30th November at the latest. The projected cost is still £16, but might be less if we can get at least another two players. So if you’re interested but haven’t signed up, see David A.S.A.P. ’’Vampire“ is on Saturday 28th November, and will be held in the Old JCR in Emmanuel (we hope) from 6:30pm - 11:30pm. Background material will be distributed to Players well beforehand, but you’ll have to wait until Saturday for your characters.

Oxfort, 1be OURPS Xmas Party on Saturday 28th November will cost £S with booze, £3 without. See David Wright NOW if you want to go. We’re inviting them to our Xmas Party, in(.,idently.

The library

We are issuing a general recall of all material; that have been taken out of the Library, primari]y for cataloguing purposes. You can renew things immediately, but we want to see them first, and we want to see them by the end of term at the latest. In particular, we want to get back the following, since we don’t know where the hell they’ve got to:-

Cursc of the Cthonians

Cthulhu by (iaslight

The Labyrintbe Supplement

If you’ve got them, bring them back OW. Ry the way, we will soon have lot<;of money lo spend on the Library. Auy requests?

Rag Dirn5c011

The 24 hr role-playing marathon in aid of Rag will take place around the middle of next term, but if you would like to GM something, please start thinking about it now. What system will you be using? How many players do you want? Let us know first thing next January, so that the details can go in the next Newsletter.

Dcsi5tt a T-SJdrt

We need a new Society T-shirt, so whoever comes up with the best design by Tuesday 26th · January will get tw.o free t ckds to the Punt Party in May Week (generous, huh?). Designs should be in black and white on A3 sized paper (hear in:mind that the image on the eventual T­ shirt will be reversed to white on black), and should feature the Society name or an abbreviation thereof (CURS or CURPS) fairly prominently. A’i for the rest of it, something vaguely relevant to role-playing would help.

l’l-tomix Rlcspacc

Sorry that the Society’s Phoenix Filcspace isn’t on line yet, but it should be by the end of tenn. The old “CUDADS” Filespace is still available in the meantime, and should contain the Campaign Directory and the Library list.

This Year’s Committee are

President:Chris Carr(Zcbedee)13 Warkworth St. (Downing), <CC112>
Vice President:Stephen, New Court, StJohn’s
Secretary:Iain Walker(Cutout Cardboard Shrub With No Soul)10 Hale St. (Emmanuel)
Assistant Secretary:Chris Watts(Dougal)Z20, Christ’s, <CRW11>
Junior Treasurer:Anthony Grocock(Brian)Rm.2, 9 Chesterton Lane (Clare), <AfG24>
External Officer:David Wright(Dylan)Y11. Kings (Box 776)