Newsletter the Fourth 1992/93

Newsletter the Fourth 1992 / 93 Ye Tragicall Comedie Of Advanced CyberCthulhu & Gurpshammer 2000

- Act II, Scene I -

GM: Our interval away is llit - bestill

That noise thy choc-ice wrappers now do make.

’11s time again our party bold to join,

As they do potter round this fateful keep.

1st Player: I prithee now, what hour doth mark the time?

GM: At grim Hecate’s call, the hordes of night

Hath worked a darksome spell upon the land.

2nd Player: What sayest thou?

GM: About midnight, all right?

On gargoyled threshold do you stand, but lo!

The door hath opened wide with ancient creak.

Butler: May I help you, sir?

3rd Player: Yes, where’s the treasure?

GM: ’Through cobwebbed hall and stony gloom your guide

Doth lead you down unto a noisome crypt.

(Enter a Nameless Thing)

Thing: Ph’nglui mglw’nafb ere withal

Cthulhu in R1yeh doth fthagn.

GM: Unholy froth beslimes this squamous sight!

SAN rolls now each character must make.

4th Player: Oops.

GM: Of loathly fear thy breeches take their fill,

Ere this blaspheming spawn doth eat thy brain.

(The Thing starves to death)

4th Player: Phew, that was close.

GM: A curse! I clear forgot

Thy wretched IQ is but meagre 8.

(The party go through the Thing’s orifices for loose change)

We will continue to meet in the Upper Hall at Emmanuel on every Tuesday this tenn, except for the last three (23rd February; 2nd March; 9th March). Alternative arrangements will be made for these evenings (see next Newsletter). If we have any problems with the other meetings, a notice will be posted within the front gate at Emmanuel.


Just to remind you that at the Weekly Meeting on Tuesday 26th .January, we are running some one-off sessions instead of the regular campaigns. If you missed the signing up for the variollc; scenarios at the meeting on the 19th, there may still be spaces available, so come along anyway. We’ll probably have another session of one-offs later this year, should this one prove a success.

GM: Unholy froth beslimes this squamous sight! SAN roUs now each character must make. 4th Player: Oops. GM: Of loathly fear thy breeches take their fill, Ere this blaspheming spawn doth eat thy brain. (The Thing sta,ves to death) 4th Player: Phew, that was close. GM: A curse! I clear forgot Thy wretched IQ is but meagre 8. (The party go through the Thing’s orifices for loose change)

Att11ual Ditt11cr This year’s Peast of Feasts will be held some time around the 5th or 6th of March. See next Newsletter for details. We only mention it now so that you can start thinking about costumes and things.

Pub Mecti115 Next Pub Meeting will be at 7:30pm in Catz baron Thursday 41,h February

Rag Dim5cott Volunteers wanted for expcrimentc; in sleep deprivation. Our traditional 24 hr rf>le-playing marathon in aid of Rag has been scheduled for F’riday 19th - Saturday 20th l•cbruary, from 6pm to 6pm. If you would like to GM something, talk to a Committee member soon. ll’i know the system will you he using, and

how many players do you want, and let us know on or before the Weekly Meeting on Tuesday 9th February. We will then be to advertise the games available in the next Newsletter. Would­ be Players, oome along to the meeting on Tuesday 16th February to sign up and collect sponsorship forms.

Varsity Match We are assembling a team of (,-rack role­ players to infiltrate the dreaming spires of Oxford and reclaim for the Society the Broken Sword of Sharda that we somehow managed to lose last year. We need 6 volunteers, so talk to one of the Committee if you’re interested. It is Oxford’s turn to host, and the date they’ve suggested is the 26th - 27th February. Unfortunately we can’t tell you what game system will be used, because apparently they’re writing it as well as the scenario.

Vib o£vmm5 Another informal seminar on the power of the visual image will be held on Sunday 14th :February, from 6pm - U midnight, in Z Basement, Christ’s. We will be screening:- BILL ANDTED’S BOGUS JOURNET TIIEYLIVE! DARltSTAll

1..fv Rol -Playms This term’s Labyrinthe expedition will be on Sunday 7th March. Talk to David Wright if you’re interested.

T-Sl1frt ’Rffl1fttbu Remember that the deadline for our T-shirt competition is Tuesday 26th January (although we’re prepared to be flexible on this), and that designs should be in black and white on A3 sized paper, and should feature the Society name or

an abbreviation thereof (CURS or CUJ fairly prominently. For what it’s worth, the winner gets two free tickets to the Punt Party in May Week.

Gam sFafr The annual gaming oonvention Games Fair takes place at Reading University on the 2nd - 4th April. It costs just under £50 a head, including accommodation. If you’re interested in attending, you could do worse than write for a booking form to:- ’ISR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge CBl 3LB.

1..ibra111 Sprnbm5 Spree We now have lots of money to spend on the Society Library. What would you like us to get?

Catt1pai511 Directon1 Players:- if you still haven’t found a game, don’t give up. There are still places available in the following campaigns:- Dark Star Wars (1 space) Warhammer (1 space) Star Wars 2nd Ed. (5 spaces) Ars Magica (2 spaces) 1\vilight 200) (1space) D&D (2 spaces) Call of Cthulhu (2 spaces) See Chris Watts and put your name down on one of the waiting lists in the Directory. GMs:- Updates for your Directory entries are welcome at any time.

Phomix fllc.!spac At long last, we have a Phoenix Filespace and mailbox, rejoicing under the name “CURPS”. At the time of this Newsletter going to press (or photocopier, as the case may be). it will oontain a copy of the Campaign Directory and a list of the contents of the Library (or as much of it as has been typed up).

This Year’s Committee are

President:Chris Carr(Zcbedee)13 Warkworth St. (Downing), <CC112>
Vice President:Stephen, New Court, StJohn’s
Secretary:Iain Walker(Cutout Cardboard Shrub With No Soul)10 Hale St. (Emmanuel)
Assistant Secretary:Chris Watts(Dougal)Z20, Christ’s, <CRW11>
Junior Treasurer:Anthony Grocock(Brian)Rm.2, 9 Chesterton Lane (Clare), <AfG24>
External Officer:David Wright(Dylan)Y11. Kings (Box 776)